Expert Analysis and Bold Thinking for Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners
Understanding the Risks and Alternatives to MCAs
In this edition of The Small Business Show, Jim Fitzpatrick sits down with Ben Nicholson to delve into the ins and outs of Merchant Cash Advances (MCAs).
Managing a Small-Chain Retail Liquidation with a
'Controlled Burn'
Co-authored with S. Gregory Hays of Hays Financial Consulting and featured in the Journal of Corporate Renewal. When reality is faced in a timely manner, small-chain retailers have options to ensure maximum recovery during liquidation.
Stay Ahead of
Appraisals and Liquidations
Across Asset Classes
On a recent Secured Finance Network panel discussion with industry colleagues, Ben Nicholson of Fortis Business Advisors offers insights into opportunities and challenges lenders and business owners face with small-scale liquidations and the evolution into eCommerce.
The Elements of a Workout Strategy in a Defaulted SBA Loan
Featured in the Coleman Report. When a small business defaults, it is prudent to ensure SBA SOP 50 57 is followed and feasibility of workout plan is filed. When handled effectively, the due diligence may show that the borrower could possibly recover with minimal loss and collateral damage while returning to regular servicing.
Unleash Buried Capital and Cease Leaving Money on the Table in Regional Retail Liquidations
To ensure maximum recovery is achieved in regional retail liquidations and ensure no money is left on the table, it is prudent to follow key performance metrics and carefully consider the benefits of hiring professionals.
The Secured Lender
Engineering a Business for Profit: An Effective Measure to Ensure Financial Obligations are Met
When a business is Engineered for Profit, through a controlled cost structure profit becomes a measurable outcome from the operation rather than what is left over after all other expenses have been paid.​
Managing Inventory Turnover - A Key Operational Strategy for Retailers
Featured in the ABL Advisor. Inventory Turnover has become a key operational metric to measure in order for small retailers and inventory-driven businesses to remain competitive with their
larger competitors.
Break-Even: Controlling Profitability During the
Once break-even is reached, every additional dollar of revenue represents pure profit.
Maximizing Recoveries in a Windup
In order to maximize recovery during a liquidation and achieve sales-to-inventory cost ratios of 90-110 cents on the cost dollar, it is imperative that retailers cycle through a 3-Phase Approach: Profit - Cost Recovery - Liquidation/Forced Reduction.
SBA Loan Default:
Stop the Hemorrhaging
Under the guidelines of SBA SOP 50 57, lenders and borrowers can agree to a workout strategy that includes corrective measures in a workout plan that will decrease the chance of denial or repair.